Hazardous Materials Alert (OPS)
220.19 Hazardous Material Alert
To create a standard method of patient care for incidents involving patients exposed to or suspected to have been exposed to a Hazardous Substance or Hazardous Material. By declaring a HAZMAT ALERT a pre-planned series of events will take place to protect the patient, our personnel, and the receiving facility’s personnel. A HAZMAT ALERT will provide the following:
Early notification to receiving hospitals of an incoming HAZMAT patient.
Early involvement of the closest HAZMAT Team in decision-making.
Early involvement of Regional Poison Control or Medical Control.
All personnel assigned to Fire Operations and Communications.
A Hazardous Material is defined as any chemical compound found in solid, liquid or gas form that is not intended for human inhalation, ingestion or absorption.
A HAZMAT ALERT should be initiated:
- At the time of dispatch, when a caller reports a medical emergency involving a chemical smell or hazardous material exposure.
- When the first arriving crew suspects a hazardous materials exposure due to odor, history or other sources of information.
- By Hospital Emergency Department staff, in the event a hazardous material exposure is suspected, from a walk-in patient and additional resources are needed.