Difference between revisions of "Personnel Accountability System Usage"

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Line 19: Line 19:
| Engine || <span style="color: red">Red
| Engine || <span style="color: red">Red
|-Rescue || <span style="color: blue">Blue
| Rescue || <span style="color: blue">Blue
| Support Vehicles || Green
| Support Vehicles || <span style="color: green">Green

Revision as of 08:55, 22 March 2016


210.07 Personnel Accountability System (PAS) Usage


To establish a Personnel Accountability System (PAS) with associated procedures that an Incident Commander (IC) on an emergency scene can use to accurately and immediately identify all personnel assigned to a specific unit.


  • This system will provide the IC, at a single location, immediate access to the names of all personnel assigned to a specific unit operating at that incident.
  • The on-duty Lieutenant or Officer-in-Charge is responsible for keeping an accurate account of all members riding on his/her units on the Personnel Accountability System (PAS) cards.
  • Each Department response vehicle will be equipped with a color coded PAS card to allow for easy identification by the IC. Color coding will be based on the vehicle’s response capabilities as follows:
Vehicle Type PAS Card Color
Command Vehicles White
Aerial (Quint, Truck) Black
Engine Red
Rescue Blue
Support Vehicles Green

d. The PAS cards will be located on the board in the apparatus bay when the vehicle is either O.O.S for repairs or not presently staffed. e. Each member of the Department will be issued four (4) individual color coded PAS tags to allow for easy identification of the member’s certification or position level. Color coding for individuals will be as follows: Position PAS Tag Color Chief Officers White Lieutenant Red Engineer Black Firefighter Yellow Paramedic Blue